Monday, 10 December 2012

12 Days of Bookmas - Task 3

Hey Book Lovers!

Guess that x-mas book tile! I'm going to give you five Christmas book tiles but there will be letters missing and it's your task to figure what the tiles of the books are!

1. A_L _ wa_t _o_ _hr_s_m__

2. Sa_ t_'_ _x_cu_t_i_e

3. A _a_un Were_o_f Ch_r_sm_s

4. _am_p_i_e F_r _hr_s_m__

5. F_a_g , _u_ & M_st_e_oe

So the third Bookmas Task send me the answers! Then I want you to email the picture to this address:
In the subject box, make sure it says "Bookmas entry - Shells Book Corner" 


Shell xxx

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