Policy on interviews, giveaways & reviews

Dear Authors or Publishers,

I am more than happy to do review, interview or giveaway. I do not take money for doing this, I only do this to discover great books so I can pass onto my followers and friends.


I always ask  authors, when I review a book, if I can use their book covers and book description. I do this out of respect of their great work. I just think it's wrong to take something without asking, it's just rude not to ask. 

Reviews will be open, honest, short and sweet and straight to the point. I would never be mean in an interview, if I fail a flaw then I will word it in a polite way.  

If I do write a bad review then I will NOT retract it because I feel it's wrong to misguide the readers of my blog. 

I will always ask if I could use their book covers and blurb and perhaps the first chapter of their book to put on the post as well.

I do NOT review YA and I do NOT  allow pre-approved reviews, sorry.

I review PDF, paperback or kindle......

Genres I Read:

- Paranormal
- Paranormal Romance
- Erotic
- Urban Romance
- Fantasy Romance


When I do a giveaway I expect authors to check all the comments at least two days after the giveaway has ended then either facebook, tweet or email me with the winners name. Then I can create a post to congratulate the winner or winners. 


I always (or sometimes an author will ask) email or facebook an author about if I would be able to interview them on my blog. If she or he says yes then with in 7 days time I will send questions (5 or 9 questions) to be answered and sent back to me once all the questions are completed. If the author sends a photo of themself then that would be fab!  I will always ask if I could use their book covers and blurb and perhaps the first chapter of their book to put on the post as well.

Contact Me!

To get in contact with me then please email me at: michellelouisepratley(at)yahoo(dot)co(dot)uk 

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Shells-Book-Corner/282005648527616?ref=hl

Twitter: @shellbookcorner

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